Gentle Aid for Sensitive Skin

Who wouldn’t like beautiful, smooth, and radiant skin? The reality is often very different. Redness and rough patches can bother the skin. It can become strained and inflamed. Dry air as well as change in temperature between cold and heat afflict our largest organ. Mineral salts according to Dr Schüssler are supportive in bringing the skin metabolism back into balance. Oliver e Coordes, expert in dermo pharmacology, explains how it works:
Healthy skin depends on a series of internal and external factors that often change. Besides hormonal fluctuations and diet for example, the amount of sleep and exercise also influence our complexion. Stress and physiological strains also portray on the skin.
“Like a sensitive sensor, the skin shows if it is well or not”.
Functions of the Skin
The good two square metre large, sensitive system connects our body with the environment, but at the same time demarcates it from it. With over 100 billion cells the skin fulfils vital tasks. For instance, it regulates the body temperature through perspiration, has an important barrier function, and assists the excretion of metabolic slags. “Cells of the upper skin layer – the epidermis – store up to 30 per cent fat and just as much moisture”.
What stresses the Skin
As the blood vessels constrict in temperatures below eight degrees Celsius, the skin is no longer adequately supplied with blood; the oxygen, and nutrient supply also deteriorates. “And then there is the light factor. Little daylight causes a reduction in the vitamin D production.” This again reduces the, for the skin metabolism vital calcium-phosphate-conversion.
How Schüssler-Salts are applied
So that the skin can repair its protective film, in order to cope with environmental influences, three Schüssler- Salts can assist. At the same time, brittle hair and nails will also benefit. Schüssler-Salts give cells fine impulses for an optimal absorption and utilisation of the minerals. Thus, the self-regulation of the organism gets activated and the cell metabolism can get back into balance.
No.1 Calcium fluoride 12X
As “hardener and softener” Schüssler-Salt No. 1 Calcium fluoride 12X is an essential aid for the balanced stability of the tissue.
“It nourishes the stabilising fibres of the skin structure. The natural mineral salt is vital for the moisture metabolism, boosts elasticity and strengthens the subcutaneous tissue.” At the same time, the skin barrier gets strengthened and therefore becomes more resilient against external influences. Calcium fluoride supports the cell functions of the skin to get back to normal, and is also used for hardened structures e.g., scars, cracked, or chapped skin become elastic again. Internal administration is ideal in combination with No. 1 cream/lotion externally.
No. 8 Sodium chloride 6X
“Schüssler-Salt No. 8 is an excellent aid for frequently taut, or sensitive reacting skin.”
Sodium chloride has a balancing effect where moisture is lacking – such as dry skin in the autumn/winter months. This mineral salt is supportive in regulating the fluid balance of skin and mucous membranes and hence is able to compensate damages like rough skin, dry eczema, wrinkles, or oedemas. Sodium chloride (No. 8) as creams is also beneficial for dry and itchy legs. Furthermore, No. 8 cream has also proven reliable for herpes blisters (aka cold sores) Simply tab on thinly several times a day or apply at night as a “overnight-treatment”.
No. 11 Silica 12X
Silica is an important structural salt and the remedy of beauty. Silica, also know as silicic acid, is part of the important components for collagen formation. Collagen promotes the strengthening of the subcutis and epidermis, and supports hair and nail growth. As silica stabilises the connective tissue, Schüssler-Salt No. 11 is also good for cellulite. It is regarded as the “beauty salt” and is said to give skin and hair a fresh shine. In case of badly healing skin injuries, silica stimulates regeneration.
Tip for nail care: Mix a little of cream No. 1 and No. 11 and apply around the nail matrix.
Skin-Cure for a Fresh-Kick
These 3 salts are ideal for a skin-cure:
- No. 1 Calcium fluoride 12X – 2 tablets – morning
- No. 8 Sodium chloride 6X – 2 tablets – noon
- No. 11 Silica 12X – 2 tablets – night
Slowly dissolve tablets in the mouth. Recommended duration of treatment is four to six weeks.
“As skin scales have a lifespan of four weeks, this time should be followed to see noticeable results”.
Externally, the skin will benefit from the additional application of lotions No. 1 and No. 11 (both with nourishing almond, jojoba oil, as well all lecithin) to the face and body.
Let's not forget the men's skincare need: Cream No. 11 is ideal as an after shave. It quickly absorbs and is unperfumed. Perfect for sensitive skin.
Sensitive Skin and Diet
In case of chronic skin problems such as neurodermatitis, the diet should be investigated. Skin problems could be alleviated by avoiding certain substances in foods for instance, gluten, cow’s milk products, or nuts. Lactose-free or vegan diet is also favoured by many. Schussler Salts are usually in tablets form, based on lactose which, due to their low sugar content, are suitable even for diabetics. Skin problems also benefit from the external applications of mineral creams.
7 Tips to nourish your Skin, Hair, and Connective Tissue
• Balanced diet and sufficient drinking (around 2 litres every day)
• Regular exercises and sufficient sleep
• Once a week a hair treatment with natural oils (e.g. coconut or olive oil)
• Relaxation and stress management
• Avoidance of intense sunbathing and sunburn
• Refrain from frequent and intensive dying, styling and blow-drying
• Waiver of alcohol and nicotine
Institute of Biochemic Medicine (Asia – Pacific)
Branch of the German Association of Biochemistry
Extracted from Schussler's Express #112