Winter Care

The winter flu season if just around the corner. Before it gets worse, do yourself and family a favor by taking minerals throughout the winter season.
It's safe and side-effect free.
Just pop them in the mouth and they dissolve in seconds. The goodness of minerals will be absorbed from the buccal mucosal membranes (that's the area inside your cheeks) and get transported to the cells!
Here's how to take:
[Immune Support] Morning:No.3 No. 4 x 1 each (better than wearing a mask)
[First symptoms: sore throat] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take as needed, about 3-6 times a day until sore throats subsides.
[Runny nose, sneezes, nasal congestion, dry nose] No. 8. Take 1-2 tablets x 3-6 times a day or until symptoms subside.
[Second phase: fever, aches, flu symptoms] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take as frequent as 15-30 minute interval. No. 10 x 2. Take before bed.
[Cough] With phlegms and mucous:No. 6 . Take 1-2 tablets x 3-6 times a day Dry, impulsive:Use "Hot 7" - Dissolve No. 7 x 5 tablets into 100ml of hot water. Then slowly sip like hot tea so the minerals can be absorbed.
[Dry Skin]
Don't forget there is mineral cream!
No. 8 Sodium Chloride cream is an excellent moisturizer. Use just sparingly and it will be absorbed by the skin throughout the day.
*children under 3 years old: take half the dose (can break tablet into half) or dissolve in your milk formula *seek medical consultation if symptoms persist or if fever lingers for over 3 days. * bacterial infection is still best treated by antibiotics but the best medicine for viral infection is water, rest, and a great immune system.