Happy New Year with LOVE

"Mineral Therapy is versatile, safe, effective, natural, easy to learn, and to top it all, it makes healthcare affordable again."
Being a fan of mineral salts for over a decade while living in North America, we cannot imagine why these amazing little tablets and natural therapy is so little known in Hong Kong. While we can just pick them up from a health food store or upscale supermarket in USA and Canada, we can't seem to find anything nearly comparable in such a health conscious multi-cultural city like Hong Kong.
At www.12minerals.com, our new year resolution is to make use of the cyberspace to share information about the goodness of minerals. We start the new year with a brand new look and more useful content, It is our hope to empower Hong Kong families with more options other than medicine. One day, minerals will be a household remedy as common as Panadol. Well.....in fact, you wouldn't need Panadol once you get to know minerals, LOL.
Mineral Therapy is versatile, safe, effective, natural, easy to learn, and to top it all, it makes healthcare affordable again.
Why waste time sitting in the germ-filled waiting room of a clinic?
Why spend $$$ on supplements with no obvious benefit?
Here is how you can learn more about Mineral Therapy and stay updated on latest news, seminars, and special offers.
1. Like and Follow our Facebook Page. Don't forget to select "See First" in your News Feed.
2. Visit our website www.12minerals.com and subscribe our membership.