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Cold and Flu Complete Protection

Cold and Flu Complete Protection

Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 2 reviews
HK$800.00 Regular Price
HK$700.00Sale Price

No.3 Ferrum phosphate -> fights all kinds of infections in their initial stage.
No.4 Potassium Chloride -> relieves sore throat, bronchitis.
No.6 Potassium sulphate ->enhance healing of inflammations of mucous membranes (such as bronchitis/rhinitis/phlegms)

No.8 Sodium Chloride -> relief of cold symptoms such as runny nose/nasal congestion/eye watering/dry eyes

  • Product Info

    DHU Schuessler Salts 200 tablets


    No.3 1 tablet (260mg) contains 250mg Ferrum Phosphate 12X

    No.4 1 tablet (260mg) contains 250mg Potassium Chloride 6X

    No.6 1 tablet (260mg) contains 250mg Potassium Sulphate 6X

    No.8 1 tablet (260mg) contains 250mg Sodium Chloride 6X


    Contains lactose


  • How to take

    Tablets should be allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth. If necessary, tablets can be dissolved in a little bit of water.

    [Immune Support] No.3 No. 4 x 1 each every morning

    [First symptoms] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take as needed, about 3-6 times a day until sore throats subsides.

    [Second phase] No. 3 No. 4 x 1 each. Take frequently (to speed up healing)

    [Cough] With phlegms and mucous:No. 6 x 1-2 tablets. 3 times a day 

    [Runny nose/nasal congestion]: No. 8. x2 tablets x 3 times a day or until symptoms subside.

    **Reduce dosage by half for children under 3 years old**

    If symptoms are severe and persistent, please consult your doctor.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
5.0 | 2 reviews
2 reviews
  • Angela
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.
    幫到我的mineral salts

    幾次初覺得唔舒服,好似作感冒時,食no 3 及4都幫到我,不用食西藥便痊癒。

    自己服用mineral salts 有療效後,日後我也會常送no 3 及4给朋友守門口備用。

    另外一次身體有痛症,經諮詢後,飲了加入no 7 (Magnesium )的水後,痛症也幔慢減退。

    謝謝Lilian及Alex 詳細解釋及指導怎樣服用mineral salts 去協助處理身體的各種不適。

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  • Abby
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

    認識礦物鹽療法之後真係好好。一有喉嚨痛就食,好快就舒緩。唔使下下睇醫生食藥。小朋友而家都識得話流鼻水要食8號,喉嚨痛要食3號4號。😅 有痰就6號。最緊要係冇副作用👍 多謝你介紹礦物鹽我知道

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